14-May-16 – CrossFit

CrossFit Trafford – CrossFit


Crab Walk Medicine Ball Race (No Measure)

There will be two cones, spaced 5m apart, for each team. The athelte has to move a Medball whilst Crab Walking out, around their cone and back.


Back Squat (20-15-10-5-5-5-5-5)


Death by Chin-ups EMOM (AMRAP – Rounds)

On the call of 321 Go, perform 1 Chin-up. On the next minute perform 2, and so on – The reps increase by 1 with each minute that passes. You are to keep going until you can’t finish the round within the minute.

Once you fail to complete the chin-ups, you are to perform a max duration monkey hang until the last athlete fails the EMOM.